A collection of some of my favorite moments as a Paris photographer, a little bit of gear, some faces of what makes Paris and tips for your trip.

Where to do your portraits: Paris Photoshoot Locations 2024 Update
A simple guide for those who have never been in Paris or you haven't visited in years and you are planning your portraits. It showcases my favorite spots in this beautiful city with examples and the pros and cons of each location.

Where to do your portraits: Paris Photographer Locations 2023 Update
A simple guide for those who have never been in Paris or you haven't visited in years and you are planning your portraits. It showcases my favorite spots in this beautiful city with examples and the pros and cons of each location.

Focus on: Elena - Arietis Jewelry
Meet Elena - a Parisian Jewelry designer through our interview and the photos from a lovely Spring morning <3

Focus On: Carrie Anne James from French Is Beautiful
In this Paris Guide feature we focus on Carrie Anne James of French is Beautiful and her Parisian orientated lifestyle as a French language instructor and social media darling. Along the interview are the film photos and videos made one Spring afternoon in Paris.

Focus On: Elie Yobeid | Paris with a Culinary Eye
Today's Paris guide story is about Elie Yobeid, a social media creative and influencer that has become the foodie account to follow on Instagram. Elie has the pleasure to share with us some of the most amazing plates from restaurants all over Paris, so he is at the top food guides in the City of Light. Here is the story of his account came to be as well as another project close to his heart.